Is andragogy possible?
Andragogy requires that an experienced adviser encourage and enable the learner by providing access to appropriate resources and refraining from tendencies to intrude or force opinions on the learner. This level is needs based, adaptive, holistic learning where Interpersonal/Intrapersonal intelligences are developed. The learning is high order learning of strategy, expertise, procedural knowledge, reasoning, and analytical abilities. This type of nurturing allows for personal interpretation, evaluation, decision making, reasoning, and strategy to develop and gives impetus to expertise. The learner adapts prior knowledge to new experience with others and the environment, developing knowledge of how working together with two or more people, organizations, or things produce results greater than the sum of their individual effects or capabilities. This level focuses on self-directed acquisition, development, and integration of knowledge. The learner becomes self-actualized with intrinsic motivation toward accomplishment developing a depth of knowledge of self and others through guided interaction that evokes the affective component of learning to motivate fulfillment of maximum potential.
Humanism: Maslow, 1954; Rogers 1951, 1993; Glasser, 1984, 1996; Motschnig-Pitrik, 2005
Sample Level Two Prep Program
9:45 AM
10:00 AM
Math |
Math |
Math |
Math |
Math |
Library, Museum, or Park
10:45 AM
Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Visual/Spatial, Musical/Rhythmic
PE |
PE |
PE |
PE |
PE |
11:45 AM
Snack & Chat
Brunch w/ Extended Family
Verbal/Linguistic, Visual Spatial, Interpersonal
English/Language Arts |
English/Language Arts |
English/Language Arts |
English/Language Arts |
English/ language Arts |
12:30 PM
12:45 PM
Free time
1:15 PM
Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Mathematical/Logical,
Tech Design & Innovation |
Tech Design & Innovation |
Tech Design & Innovation |
Tech Design & Innovation |
Tech Design & Innovation |
Projects & Family Games |
Projects & Family Games |
2:15 PM
2:30 PM
Intrapersonal, Musical/Rhythmic, Visual/Spatial
Social Studies |
Social Studies |
Social Studies |
Social Studies |
Social Studies |
Friends Visit |
Visit Friends |
3:00 PM
Mathematical/Logical, Verbal/Linguistic
Homework |
Homework |
Homework |
Homework |
Homework |
Options |
Options |
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Social/Emotional, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Projects & Family Games |
Projects & Family Games |
Projects & Family Games |
Projects & Family Games |
Projects & Family Games |
Projects & Family Games |
Projects & Family Games |
9:00 PM
Personal Care
Shower, Clean Room, Organize for tomorrow |
9:45 PM
10:15 PM
10:30 PM
Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Reading, Drawing, Journal Time |
11:45 PM
Bedtime |