t4k History
technology4kids was first established at URL http://www4.ncsu.edu/~stmullin/Home.html and copyrighted 2006-2014 by Shirley Mullinax Lombardi with all rights reserved. technology4kids is a copyrighted online textbook [Library of Congress Registration Number TX 7-333-365] providing children and caregivers access to communication, construction, transportation, power & energy, manufacturing, and medical technology learning resources. Shirley Mullinax Lombardi created this site as a graduate student in Technology Education at NCSU. The site was originally provided as a public service to teachers who were integrating technology (communication, construction, manufacturing, power & energy, transportation, and medical) into core curriculum. Additionally, it now serves to link parents to technology resources for enhancing their own education as well as their child's education. Anticipating graduation in May of 2011, the www4.ncsu.edu site was established as the 1st Edition and a 2nd Edition was constructed at http://www.technology4kids-ncsu.org/ which, after moving to a new account, is now only screen captures. The 2nd Edition was recreated at http://www.technology4kids.info since we believe that the .info environmnet is the best fit for this online textbook. We look forward to updating both site and the blog as new developments in TechEd for home or school become available.

My dissertation may be found at http://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/ir/handle/1840.16/6826 and the blog may be found at http://technology4kids-ncsu.blogspot.com/.

Updated 18 August 2014