
2nd Edition: Knowledge, Skill, Attitude Rubric

Knowledge, Skill, Attitude Domain Rubric  

Knowledge, Skill, Attitude Domains


Knowledge (Cognitive)



enumerate, define, describe, identify, know, label, list, matches, names, outline, recalls, recognizes, reproduces, selects, states

  • Recites an aphorism,
  • Quotes prices from memory,
  • Knows safety rules.


codes, decodes, comprehends, converts, defends, distinguishes, estimates, explains, extends, generalizes, gives, discriminates, summarizes, translates

  • Infers meaning from instructions,
  • Interprets problem statement,
  • Paraphrases text,
  • Predicts conclusion,
  • Summarizes comments,
  • Codes transcribed conversations.


applies, changes, computes, constructs, demonstrates, discovers, manipulates, modifies, operates, predicts, prepares, produces, relates shows, illustrates

  • Calculates reliability of statistical data, Uses tables to size beams,
  • Builds model.


analyzes, compares, contrasts, diagrams, differentiates, deduce, classifies, outlines, relates, subdivides

  • Troubleshoot software program,
  •  Recognize fallacies in reasoning,
  • Recognizes organizational principles,
  • Break down problem into components parts.


categorizes, combines, compiles, composes, creates, devises, designs, explains, generates, modifies, plans, rearranges, reorganizes, designs,

  • Write operations manual,
  • Design machinery to solve specific problem,
  • Revise process,
  • Organize scheme for classifying information.


appraises, assesses concludes, critiques, judges, ascertains, justifies, resolves

  • Write research report,
  • Participation in juried assessments,
  • Provides feedback on value.

Attitude (Affective)



acknowledges, tolerates, listens, watches

  • Willingness to respectfully listen,
  • Willingness to watch presentation,
  • Willingness to receive stimulus from phenomenon.


communicates, cooperates, shares, converses, connects, associates, invites

  • Participates in group discussions,
  • Interacts with diverse community,
  • Volunteers to help with group tasks. 

accepts, commits, appreciates, welcomes

  • Organizes fund raising project,
  • Accepts position as officer of organization,
  • Hosts social events for group.


prioritize, resolve, integrate, clear up, clarify, find out about, shed light on

  • Builds internally consistent value system,
  • Accepts professional ethical standards,
  • Revises judgments in light of new knowledge.


Consistent behavior, endures, exemplifies, influences, perseveres, persists, encourages, inspires, shapes, motivates, instigates

  • Creates a harmonious life plan,
  • Encourages colleagues,
  • Displays professional commitment,
  • Has a consistent, predictable life style.

Skill (Kinesthetic)


(Mindset and ability to respond to stimulus)

adapts, detects, alters, distinguishes, reacts, responds, moves

  • Detects non-verbal communication cues,
  • Correctly positions self to catch a thrown ball or Frisbee,
  • Quickly modifies movement in response to need for safety.

(Early stages of learning complex skill)

assembles, dissects, traces, imitates, guided response, trial and error.

  • Can follows instructions,
  • Responds to coaches hand signals,
  • Assumes classic ballet positions,
  • Algorithmic problem solving.

(Intermediate stage of learning a complex skill)

manipulates, measures, organizes, details, operates, paces, practices, mechanical (habitual) responses

  • Rides a bike,
  • Performs at ballet recital,
  • Operates robot,
  • Measures room dimensions for installations of handcrafted cabinetry.

(Advanced stage of learning a complex skill)

complex overt responses, maneuvers, articulates, sketches, performs, crafts, calibrates

  • Drives a truck,
  • Performs ballet on stage,
  • Calibrates robot,
  • Crafts cabinetry,

(creation of complex skill)

Choreograph, conceive, originate, create, design, transcend, sculpt, compose

  • Choreographs new ballet,
  • Sculpts prototype of new furniture line,
  • Modifies keyboard to increase efficiency of computer operation.

This table was derived from the review of (Clark, 1999); Bloom (1956); Krathwohl, Bloom, & Bertram (1973); Simpson (1972); Dave (1975); and Harrow (1972).  The KSA Matrix is a first attempt to assess the success of a program in attaining the knowledge, skills, and attitude goals.  The matrix is generic so that it may be used with each learning theory.  The taxonomy is based on the works of Bloom, 1956; Krathwohl, Bloom, and Bertram, 1973; Simpson, 1972; Dave, 1975; and Harrow, 1972.  The matrix provides a guideline for the design of KSA assessment tools.  Analysis of the KSA assessment tools for each Level/Learning theory may provide information that supports or refutes The Gagne Assumption (that different types of learning exist and that different instructional conditions bring about different types of learning) and may ultimately defend the use of different learning theories at different stages of development.


Copyright ©2006-2014 Shirley Mullinax Lombardi,